Well this weekend pretty much sucked!!! I felt horrible....I can not eat.....and all I did yesterday was vomit (sorry for the TMI). I know that these days are to be expected. But this weekend what the worst yet, and then I go to my Dr's thinking that maybe hearing my baby's heartbeat would life me up. Boy was I wrong!!!! First they did not tell me if I gained or am still loosing. I know I have lost because I have been keeping track. Then she did not even tell me what her heart rate was or if she is measuring ok. All she was worried about is whether or not "I Still want to do this?" I told her yes and that we have discussed it and we want to have a scheduled c-section for the baby's sake. She said "WHY??" I told her that my 1st daughter was born by c-section and I had a rough time with my youngest and that she had to put the Vacuum on her head and my heart rate and blood pressure kept dropping. She really got nasty and said "I do not prefer to do that but I guess I can." I also asked for a script for folic acid to start now and she said "NO" because it will not help now and I said that I know that I just want to start now for future pregnancies. She said no that she would when we decided to try again. I also told her about me not being able to eat and a she asked if I was vomiting and she asked if anyone else was sick and I told her no. I said that I think that it is my nerves and all she said was you will have that. She never even offered me anything to help that. She was in the room all of maybe 5 minutes and then left. I have never felt so mistreated in all of my life. Am I over exaggerating because of hormones or what?? I have seriously considered in switching Dr's at this point. Am I wrong??? Should I stick it out??? No one should have to endure that......NOONE.............!!! She has also spaced out my visits even more than usual. Now she does not want to see me for 5 weeks now?? I am 25.2 days pregnant. I feel like I am being just tossed aside at this point. I just feel horrible...

On another note...I did get my haircut finally today. It was down to the middle of my back and now it is above my chin. I feel soooooo much better now. I hope this helps with the headaches.

Will someone please give me your input on what I am going through right now. Am I being too sensitive?? Thank you for reading my blog. I really enjoy writing it and reading your comments. Bless you all.


Celia said...

Mia, I just have to ask...Is this the same doctor who you were praising earlier? Because if it is then you were right that she was probably just having a bad day...Not to mention that most docs just can't understand why we would choose to carry a baby not expected to live....I guess it just doesn't gel with their medical training and all that. If not, then I might suggest you look around for one that will be more understanding....You definitely don't need the added stress. In fact, you need all the support you can get! Assert your right to be treated and your baby's as well! BOTH of you have that right!

Momma2AnAngel said...

Yes Celia she is the same Dr and that is why I just can not understand it? I am totally confused. Maybe she was having a bad day, but that gave her no right at all to treat me the way she did. I just feel like she is being pushy. Just by the tone in her voice when she asked me if I was still wanting to do this. Why would I not want to do this. She is my daughter reguardless of the outcome. Yes I know and have excepted what is going to happen to her. But that does not change the way I feel about her. She is my flesh, my blood, and I am grateful that the Lord has chosen me to carry his angel. I just want to give her every opportunity that she has to breathe life on this earth. Am I wrong to want that. Am I being selfish?? Did you ever experiance this with your Dr? Thank you for asking my this. I appreciate it alot.

Kelli725 said...

I believe you and your precious daughter deserve to be treated like everyone else and that dr should be repremanded for her lack of care for you and your baby. This makes me so mad....their are 2 lives here! 2 HUMAN BEINGS that deserve respect. Your decision is YOURS..her job is to take care of you both. Ughhh...I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. I say find another dr that will respect your decision and just do their part as your physician. (((hugs)))

Jodi Lansink said...

In my opinion----if I went to a dr that made me feel that way, even 1 time, I would NEVER go back again. I feel SO LUCKY to have the best medical team on my side, but if I ever felt like I was being mistreated, or judged, I would have switched in a heartbeat----just my opinion---but I feel like this is just a tough journey, and each dr visit is a huge part of it, you should be able to know the heartbeat, and they should talk about weight concerns, and sickness concerns.....that is what we PAY them a ton of money for!!!!!!! I say try again, and if they mistreat you again, I would switch, you don't need this stress right now!

Kelli725 said...

Well put Jodi, you are SO right!

Holly said...

Mia, I would seriously switch drs. Drs should NEVER mistreat their patients-one time is NOT ok!! You need a dr who truly supports you and will listen to what you want for your baby. You are not selfish or wrong in any way. If you really want to stick it out w/ this dr then you need to bring to her attention her attitude and her actions and how they are both very inappropriate. I hope everything works out!

Lighthouse Photography said...

I think the others have said it well but I wanted to chime in for the first time because this really affected me. You should never have been made to feel this way and I personally would be looking for a Dr that is going to be a support. You are going to need all that you can get in the weeks to come.