Hi all. Sorry that I have not posted for a while. I have been pretty busy not to mention kinda sick. First my hubby's grandmother has been really sick for over a month now and she just does not seem to be getting any better. She only lives 2 houses up the street from me and I have been trying my best to keep an eye on her. She was first diagnosed with pneumonia and it is since cleared up with 2 rounds back to back of Zithromycin. Now she is still somehow running fevers and having night sweats and not wanting to eat at all. Plus this lady was always up until 10:30pm-11pm every night because she had shows that she faithfully watched. Now she goes to bed before 7pm most nights and just the other night was in bed around 5:30pm. I am really worried about her. I hope they soon find out what is wrong and she bounces back!!!
As you all know my father has moved right next door to us and he is not in the best health himself. He had a quad-bypass back in Dec of 08'. So I have been keeping a really close eye on him to and making sure he gets his meds and making sure he is eating. He is in his glory having the girls at his house anytime they want to. They love to spend the night with Papaw. The youngest has to go to his house every morning for breakfast and he will fix her whatever she wants. I think that he is spoiling them!!! LOL
Makailyn (my 6 yr old) has been going to summer school of sorts called Energy Express for the past 2 weeks and will continue to go until the beginning of August and then Cheer leading starts. She is really enjoying it so much. She gets up around quarter til 8am and catches the bus down the street at about 8:30am. She then gets home around quarter til 1pm Monday Thur Friday.
I have both girls in our local library's Summer Reading program. They love it!! I usually take them every Saturday to the Library to pick out their books and then it seems like they want to read every one of them as soon as we get home. I am not complaining, because not too many children like to read let alone are interested in reading. Makailyn usually reads her books to Makenzie with little or no help. I then read Makenzie's books to them both. I think we just returned every Eric Carle Book the library had since they are Makenzie's fav's and Makailyn had a majority of the Dr Seuss books because those are her favorite.
This evening is the New Creek Carnival at 6pm and we are planning on taking them up for a little bit. Its nothing big only a few little kids rides and a few games, but its something to do in this small town. The girls have been so excited all day today and wanting to know when they open. They do not understand that it is not until 6pm and are getting anxious and antsy!!!
So now you know how my life has been here lately.....I just feel so Rushed sometimes.....I think I need some me time here very soon......
Oh and me I think that my nerves are starting to get the better of me the closer September comes. I have had a headache for a week now and can not seem to kick it....I was taking Tylenol, but it is starting to tear up my stomach and that makes for a miserable night of sleep...if you want to call it that....? I am still loosing weight like crazy and just do not understand it at all??? Anyone else experience that? According to my dad's scales and WIC I have lost a total of 16lbs so far. I guess we will see on Monday what my Dr has to say. I often wonder if the reason I am measuring 3 weeks more is that I am retaining extra fluid, but wouldn't I be gaining more weight instead of loosing??? Any input is greatly appreciated and helpful!! I tell the family these things and they are getting their hopes up for a miracle and I told them to just stop that everyone is different and I am not going to get my hopes up for that. I mean that would be the best thing in the world, but I am not expecting it at all. Thank you all for keeping up with my blog!!
I love the pictures of your family and your approach to what must have been devastating news. I saw your post on etsy alchemy and I can't knit hats (I knit baby sweaters and such) I hope you can find something that will work when your daughter is born.
I wanted to make sure you knew about the organization called "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" which can take pictures of you and your baby just after birth so you have a tangible way to remember her as a family. They do wonderful work and it is helpful if this interests you to set it up beforehand.
Just google the name of the organization and it will come up.
I also commend you for naming your child and making her part of your family. Our son Philip died in the womb in 2007 and naming him was an important part of our journey. There is a wonderful book about miscarriage and infant loss by my dear friend Jenny Schroedel that you might find useful called Naming the Child.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I'm hurting for you, just reading this. I found you Etsy. I make handmade things for children and babies. Please look at our blog unameitletterdesigns.blogspot.com My family blog is arkansasdoyle.blogspot.com If you see anything you like on our Unameit site, let me know. I'd be happy to make a special gift for you.
Wow, it's amazing to see parents that yearn so much for their unborn child. It's going to be great that your angel will be able to read these posts and know how much you care about her. I wish there were more moms like you in the world.
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